A Stratified Treatment Algorithm in Psychiatry: A program on stratified pharmacogenomics in severe mental illness

 / Discover Personalised Mental Health Innovations: Psych-STRATA’s Video Series Now Available on YouTube

Discover Personalised Mental Health Innovations: Psych-STRATA’s Video Series Now Available on YouTube

We are delighted to announce the release of a new video series from Psych-STRATA, an innovative research initiative funded by the European Commission, now available on our YouTube channel. This collection of seven interviews, presented in German, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, and English, invites viewers from around the world to delve into the realms of personalised mental health research.

The series begins with Professor Bernhard Baune, the Project Coordinator of Psych-STRATA, who sets the stage by discussing the project’s groundbreaking objectives and its potential to transform mental health care. His passion for advancing mental health solutions paints a hopeful picture of future therapies tailored to individual needs. In addition to his role as coordinator, Professor Baune also co-leads Work Package 5, which focuses on the innovative Psych-STRATA Treatment Decision Board. This tool is designed to actively involve patients, carers, and professionals in the research process, fostering a collaborative approach to mental health care. Don’t miss his thorough explanation of this critical tool and the remarkable efforts the team is making to integrate a wide range of perspectives into the heart of Psych-STRATA’s research.

Following Professor Baune, Dr. Antonio Pardiñas from Cardiff University continues the narrative by revealing how his team’s analysis of extensive genetic and clinical data is uncovering crucial biosignatures that could help patients suffering from treatment resistance, further underscoring the collaborative and innovative spirit of Psych-STRATA.

In another segment, Dr. Chiara Fabbri from the University of Bologna shares her expertise as the leader of Work Package 2. Dr. Fabbri’s team is at the forefront of integrating genetic and multi-omic datasets with serum proteomic profiling, striving to predict treatment responses in conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.

Dr. Inge Winter from the University Medical Center Utrecht discusses an ambitious approach within Psych-STRATA’s Work Package 3. She explores the potential benefits of implementing intense treatments earlier in the illness course for patients with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, or bipolar depression, showcasing the proactive strategies being tested.

Dr. Marie-Claude Potier from the Paris Brain Institute brings us into the detailed world of multi-modal predictors. Lastly, Erik Van der Eycken of GAMIAN-Europe and co-leader of Work Package 6, shares how the project is not just about research but also about people. By involving patients and stakeholders in the development of mental health treatments, Psych-STRATA aims to not only improve outcomes but also empower those affected by mental health issues.

These narratives are just a few highlights from the series that collectively showcase the dynamic and promising work of Psych-STRATA. Each video offers a unique perspective on the different facets of the project, unified by the common goal of revolutionising mental health treatment.

To watch the interviews and immerse yourself in the transformative journey of Psych-STRATA, visit our YouTube channel and explore further on our website at www.psych-strata.eu.